There are approximately 11,000 vacant jobs in STEM fields in Massachusetts with too few applicants with the required skills to fill the jobs, and too few students choosing to enter STEM occupations. Teachers of mathematics and science, who understand the real-world applications of the content and skills they are teaching, are in a good position to make STEM learning more meaningful to students, and to interest those students in STEM careers.
Providing STEM teachers’ with actual work experience in new STEM fields is a strategic investment in addressing the pipeline challenge.
The MassHire North Shore Workforce Board offers a STEM Externship Program for middle and high school STEM teachers which will include both a one day externship and a professional development that will help teachers apply their externship experience to their teaching. The expectation is that teachers will develop curriculum projects or structured opportunities for enhanced student learning of STEM content and its relevance to problems and possibilities in the working world.
The Externship
The externship is a one day job shadow in a local company where teachers will work on projects that apply their subject matter in real-world work situations. Examples of possible work within the externship setting include observing:
- Research and development activities
- The manufacturing of products
- The delivery of services for clients
- Lab and related research activities
- The preparation of written documentation for clients or customers (in English or other languages
Who Is Eligible?
Teachers eligible to apply are middle and high school teachers of mathematics, sciences or technology from districts in the MassHire NSWB region.
Free Professional Development
All teachers must be interested in participating in both the class and the externship. Teachers spend time before and after this experience working as a team with a consultant, reviewing their curriculum, exploring its possible use in manufacturing, and then, based on their experiences, building classroom activities and lesson plans that bring the curriculum alive for their students.
The participating STEM companies will provide a real-world work observation for the teacher during their externship experience.
The experience may include field trips by students to companies or classroom presentations by company representatives.
How to Apply and for More Information
For more information and for help in making externships work for interested companies and teachers, contact Katie Crowder at the MassHire North Shore Workforce Board, 978-741-3805.