With millions of Americans out of work currently, it is sometimes easy to forget that there is an entire generation of future workforce waiting to start their careers, to enter the labor market for the first time. It is important that we continue to invest in our youth, even during this tumultuous time in history. 

MassHire’s Career Center and the North Shore Workforce Board work hard all year to provide youth opportunities and gain a 1st job through our youth programs. Here are just a few suggestions for helping our youth transition into the workforce and possibly into your business.

two men working on laptops

How Business Owners Can Help

Dependent upon the industry, one of the best things that business owners can do to help our youth become successful in the workforce, is to determine what areas they have room for youth employment, whether in a paid position or an unpaid internship. 

Taking on a younger staff member as an intern can mean lots of extra hours planning and prepping for meaningful work. But it can also empower your employees in that they are helping a future generation move forward. 

For paid positions, it is important for businesses to give full training and set reasonable expectations from the outset of the employment time period. 

woman working and writing

How Youth Can Help Themselves 

Young people can help themselves by researching career fields prior to seeking employment. This can be done with the assistance of a guidance counselor or a career counselor. Indeed, the worldwide employment website, lists 21 of the best jobs for teenagers. In creating the list they explain how valuable skills and work experience can be gained all while making some income. 

Some of the top jobs they recommend include: fast food attendant, retail sales attendant, grocery store cashiers, daycare assistants, restaurant servers or hosts/hostesses, lifeguards, camp counselors, in-home nanny, landscape laborers, dog walkers, delivery drivers, or tutors to name a few. 

Getting a work permit and learning how to write a first résumé can be overwhelming, but MassHires offers some great programs to get them started in the right direction. The F1rstJobs initiative by MassHires and North Shore Workforce Board provides first-time employment opportunities for teens during July and August. In 2014 the program began using an expanded 15 hour job readiness curriculum “Signal Success” for all youth who participate in the program. 

For more information about helping youth get started on their careers or just finding a first job, check out our sites at the North Shore Career Center and MassHire North Shore