View the F1rstJobs RFP
The F1rstJobs initiative promotes summer employment for North Shore youth ages 14 to 21. F1rstjobs is not only a summer job placement program, but a workforce development program. The program includes oversight and assistance from MassHire North Shore Youth Career Center (NSYCC), The MassHire-North Shore Workforce Board (NSWB), and the worksite. F1rstjobs operates through a three-pronged approach. First, local businesses are encouraged to hire youth directly within their companies. Second, local businesses, philanthropies and individuals are asked to contribute to the F1rstjobs Fund at the Essex County Community Foundation so that youth can be hired by local public and non-profit agencies. Finally, various state and federal resources are added to F1rstJobs based on yearly allocations.
Public and Non-Profit Agencies that are interested in hiring youth for summer work may receive funding for wages paid to the youth. It is important to note that jobs developed/funded through F1rstJobs will be filled by the NSYCC staff who will screen & prepare eligible participants for interviews and refer youth to appropriate jobs.
Youth must take part in a series of job readiness workshops to prepare them to enter the workforce and to successfully maintain a job. It is important that any organizations participating in F1rstjobs are cooperative with this process, including allowing the youth time to attend these workshops. A schedule of workshops will be provided to the worksite prior to the start of the summer. The YCC will assist worksites in the development of the required MA Work Based Learning Plan (WBLP) which is a pre & post assessment tool to evaluate youth performance on the job. The YCC will also assist, if requested by the worksite, with job performance issues related to the youth.
Organizations applying for F1rstJobs funds must agree to the terms of this program in order to be eligible for funds.