As a business leader, you have a lot on your plate currently. You must be worried about finances, the safety of your employees, and the future of your business in today’s economic climate. Coronavirus has many businesses, in a wide range of fields, wondering about their future. Here are just some of the issues that you may be facing as we head toward the fall. 

Tips for Networking & Professionalism

Consult the Reopening Guide 

The United States Chamber of Commerce has published a reopening guide that should be able to help many small and medium sized businesses reopen safely. Check the guide regularly and notice that it is listed state-by-state and industry-by-industry. 

Massachusetts has begun the reopening process in phases. Starting at the end of May, our state began the phased reopening. The Governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker and his administration created a comprehensive plan to safely reopen the Massachusetts economy, get people back to work, and ease social restrictions while minimizing the health impacts of COVID-19.

In drafting their report they heard testimony from more than 75 business associations, labor unions, non-profits, and community coalitions that collectively represent more than 112,000 businesses and more than 2,000,000 employees. 

man writing

Check Your Industry Specific Guidelines 

Every industry is a little different in how they can reopen and what safety guidelines they will need to take. For instance, restaurants will need to cut their capacity as well as allow for social distancing, whereas childcare facilities must implement virus mitigation protocols including social distancing, cleaning and disinfecting, group ratio changes, isolation and contact tracing protocols, and extra staffing.

Protect Your Employees 

Providing guidelines at the employee level is also critical in reopening your business. Determine what the guidelines require and what you need to do to keep your employees safe from transmission of the coronavirus. This may include providing masks, sneeze guards, socially distant workspaces, flexible hours, remote working, or other protocols that can keep your workforce healthy and productive.

Stay Informed 

We all know how quickly the virus can spread, so it is important that businesses stay on top of outbreaks in our region going forward. You may need to have weekly check-ins in order to be aware of changes to the guidelines. It is also imperative that you have ongoing dialog with your team members about preventing transmission, getting tested if they suspect exposure, and how to take personal precautions. Information is key to remaining open. 

For more resources on reopening, check out our resources pages at North Shore Career Center and MassHire North Shore