Financial Services2018-09-12T02:06:59-04:00

Financial Services is a significant employer in the North Shore, employing 7,142 people in the 2nd Quarter 2017. This is a decrease of 3.23% from 2nd quarter 2016, when the industry employed 7,381 workers in the region. The Financial Services industry is divided between Finance and Insurance, employing 5,287 workers, and Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, which employs 1,855workers.

Industry Sector Number of Establishment Average Monthly Employment Average Weekly Wages
Finance Insurance 544 5,287 $1,735
Credit intermediation and related activities 215 2,799 $1,567
Securities, commodity contracts, investments 150 572 $3,063
Insurance carriers and related activities 176 1,912 $1,588
Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles 3 3 $815
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 351 1,855 $1,201
Real Estate 304 1,170 $1,046
Rental and leasing services 44 345 $850
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